Social Media


Social Media Services That Will Increase Brand Awareness and Engagement
Does your business have the votes of confidence it needs from social media networks? Build your brand awareness across the web and create meaningful connections with your customers and followers through social media marketing (SMM).
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Social Media Campaigns That Boost Engagement
Are you looking to expand your brand's reach and engagement on social media platforms? Look no further than Business Bolt's custom-tailored social media marketing services.
Our team at Business Bolt offers comprehensive social media marketing campaigns to help your business grow and thrive online. With our expertise and strategy, we can help you increase your brand awareness and drive conversions through targeted campaigns and content creation.
From identifying your target audience to crafting engaging posts and advertisements, we will work with you to understand your business goals and create a custom social media marketing plan.

Social Media Service Plans

Every Business Is Unique And Same Goes For Their Social Media Marketing Needs. One Size Does Not Fit All When It Comes To Promoting Your Brand On Social Media Platforms.



/ Month
An affordable social media plan for a small business.



/ Month
An affordable social media plan for a small business.



/ Month
An affordable social media plan for a small business.

What Is Social Media Marketing?

Social media marketing is the process of a business or individual using social media platforms to reach and engage their target audience online. By leveraging platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest, companies can increase brand awareness, build a targeted following, drive website traffic, and ultimately boost sales.
There are two different forms of social media marketing: organic social media management and paid social media advertising. Organic social media management involves creating and sharing valuable content on your company's social media channels to attract and retain followers. Paid social media advertising, on the other hand, involves using paid advertisements to reach a wider audience and achieve specific marketing objectives.
To get the most out of your social media marketing efforts, it's important to start by defining your business and marketing goals. From there, you can create a tailored social media marketing plan that aligns with your overall business strategy and helps you achieve your desired outcomes. By regularly tracking and analyzing your performance, you can adjust your strategy as needed to ensure that you're getting the most value from your social media marketing efforts.

What Is Social Media Marketing?

Social media marketing is the process of a business or individual using social media platforms to reach and engage their target audience online. By leveraging platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest, companies can increase brand awareness, build a targeted following, drive website traffic, and ultimately boost sales.
There are two different forms of social media marketing: organic social media management and paid social media advertising. Organic social media management involves creating and sharing valuable content on your company's social media channels to attract and retain followers. Paid social media advertising, on the other hand, involves using paid advertisements to reach a wider audience and achieve specific marketing objectives.
To get the most out of your social media marketing efforts, it's important to start by defining your business and marketing goals. From there, you can create a tailored social media marketing plan that aligns with your overall business strategy and helps you achieve your desired outcomes. By regularly tracking and analyzing your performance, you can adjust your strategy as needed to ensure that you're getting the most value from your social media marketing efforts.

How Can Social Media Marketing Help Your Business?

Social media is a crucial tool for businesses of all sizes, as it allows you to connect with a massive audience of potential customers. With the vast majority of people using social media on a daily basis, it's almost certain that a significant portion of your target audience can be found on these platforms. With this in mind, social media marketing helps accomplish several things:
By building a strong presence on social media platforms, your business can increase its visibility and reach a wider audience. This can help you attract new customers and drive more traffic to your website.
By building a strong presence on social media platforms, your business can increase its visibility and reach a wider audience. This can help you attract new customers and drive more traffic to your website.
By building a strong presence on social media platforms, your business can increase its visibility and reach a wider audience. This can help you attract new customers and drive more traffic to your website.
By building a strong presence on social media platforms, your business can increase its visibility and reach a wider audience. This can help you attract new customers and drive more traffic to your website.
By building a strong presence on social media platforms, your business can increase its visibility and reach a wider audience. This can help you attract new customers and drive more traffic to your website.

Our Process

Define Goals

Before you start creating content, it's important to have a clear understanding of what you hope to achieve through your social media marketing efforts. Do you want to increase brand awareness...


Before you start creating content, it's important to have a clear understanding of what you hope to achieve through your social media marketing efforts. Do you want to increase brand awareness...


Before you start creating content, it's important to have a clear understanding of what you hope to achieve through your social media marketing efforts. Do you want to increase brand awareness...

Create Content

Before you start creating content, it's important to have a clear understanding of what you hope to achieve through your social media marketing efforts. Do you want to increase brand awareness...

Publish Content

Before you start creating content, it's important to have a clear understanding of what you hope to achieve through your social media marketing efforts. Do you want to increase brand awareness...

Reporting & Optimization

Before you start creating content, it's important to have a clear understanding of what you hope to achieve through your social media marketing efforts. Do you want to increase brand awareness...

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What's Included

Here is a detailed itemized list of all the deliverables for each social media plan


Platforms Included: Facebook & Instagram
Platforms Included: N/A
Content Creation
Social Media Calendar Organization
Post Promotion (Ad Boost Management)
Community Management (10 responses per day)
Additional Social Networks (Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.): $150/mo per network
Campaign Strategy
Social Media Account Manager
No Setup Fee or Initial Campaign Investment
12 Posts Per Month


Platforms Included: Facebook & Instagram
Platforms Included: N/A
Content Creation
Social Media Calendar Organization
Post Promotion (Ad Boost Management)
Community Management (10 responses per day)
Additional Social Networks (Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.): $150/mo per network
Campaign Strategy
Social Media Account Manager
No Setup Fee or Initial Campaign Investment
15 Posts Per Month


Platforms Included: Facebook & Instagram
Platforms Included: N/A
Content Creation
Social Media Calendar Organization
Post Promotion (Ad Boost Management)
Community Management (10 responses per day)
Additional Social Networks (Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.): $150/mo per network
Campaign Strategy
Social Media Account Manager
No Setup Fee or Initial Campaign Investment
20 Posts Per Month


Platforms Included: Facebook & Instagram
Platforms Included: N/A
Content Creation
Social Media Calendar Organization
Post Promotion (Ad Boost Management)
Community Management (10 responses per day)
Additional Social Networks (Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.): $150/mo per network
Campaign Strategy
Social Media Account Manager
No Setup Fee or Initial Campaign Investment









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What Are The Benefits of Social Media Marketing?

Increased Brand Awareness
One of the main benefits of social media marketing is that it allows businesses to increase brand awareness and reach a large and engaged audience. Social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter have billions of users, and by creating a presence on these platforms, businesses can reach a large portion of their target market. As you continue posting engaging content, sharing updates about the business, and running social media advertising campaigns you will increase brand loyalty and establish a strong brand identity.
Improved Customer Engagement
Social media marketing also allows individuals and businesses to interact with customers in real-time, which can help to build trust and loyalty. Monitoring customer feedback, comments, and questions on social media can help brands quickly respond to customer inquiries and concerns. This also improves customer satisfaction and increases customer loyalty. Most importantly, you are building a sense of community around the business.
Increased website traffic: Social media platforms can be used to drive website traffic by sharing links to your website and by creating content that encourages people to visit your website. By creating valuable and engaging content on social media, businesses can encourage their followers to visit their website to learn more about the products or services they offer. Additionally, social media can be used to promote specific landing pages or promotions, which can further increase website traffic.
Improved search engine rankings: Search engines use social signals as a ranking factor, so social media marketing can help to improve your website's search engine rankings. By regularly creating and sharing valuable content on social media and engaging with followers, businesses can increase the visibility of their website and improve their search engine rankings. Additionally, social media can also be used to generate backlinks to your website, which can further improve search engine rankings.
Increased sales: By using social media platforms to promote products, businesses can directly drive sales. Social media platforms such as Instagram, Pinterest, and Facebook allow businesses to create product listings and run advertising campaigns to promote their products. Additionally, businesses can also create a sense of urgency by running limited-time promotions or sales on social media, which can further drive sales.
Increased customer loyalty: Social media marketing can be used to create loyal customers by building a strong brand, providing excellent customer service, and creating a sense of community around the business. By creating valuable and engaging content, businesses can establish themselves as thought leaders in their industry and increase trust in their brand. Additionally, by responding quickly and effectively to customer inquiries and concerns on social media, businesses can improve customer satisfaction and increase customer loyalty.
Increased brand authority: By being active on social media platforms and engaging with their customers, businesses can establish themselves as authoritative and thought-leading in their industry. By consistently providing valuable and informative content, businesses can position themselves as experts in their field and increase trust in their brand. Additionally, by engaging with other thought leaders in their industry, businesses can further establish themselves as authoritative figures.
Cost-effective: Many social media platforms are free to use, and even paid advertising on social media is relatively inexpensive compared to traditional forms of advertising. Social media platforms also offer advanced targeting options, which allow businesses to reach the right audience with their advertising, thus making it more cost-effective.
Better targeting: Many social media platforms offer advanced targeting options, which allow businesses to reach the right audience with their advertising. Businesses can target their ads to specific demographic groups, interests, and behaviors. This can help to increase the effectiveness of social media advertising campaigns and reduce the cost per acquisition
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