June 8, 2023

Self Storage Marketing Ideas 2024

self storage facility

In the world of self-storage businesses, getting your marketing right is super important. I’ve learned this firsthand through my work with various self-storage clients at my advertising agency. Here’s a guide filled with practical, real-world tips that I've seen work. Whether you own or run a storage facility, these strategies will help you attract more customers, fill up those units, and even get you ranking on Google for searches like "storage units near me." Let’s dive in!

Why Does My Storage Facility Need Marketing?

Marketing your self-storage facility is a game-changer. It helps you get new customers, keep your units occupied, build your brand, stay ahead of the competition, make more money, and keep your customers happy. With the right marketing, your facility can really stand out.

How Do I Market My Self-Storage Business?

To market your self-storage business effectively, you need a plan that combines both traditional and digital marketing. Here are some tips from my experience:

Market Your Website

Your website is like the face of your self-storage business online. It should look good, be easy to use, and have all the info people need. Make sure it’s optimized for search engines with relevant keywords and easy navigation. Also, most of your traffic will be from mobile users, so make sure your site works well on phones. Offering online booking options can make things easier for your visitors too.

Google Ads

Running Google Ads for self storage businesses has been a game-changer for many of my clients. You can create ads that show up when people search for storage-related terms. Highlight features like 24/7 access, climate control, or discounts. It’s all about picking the right keywords and keeping an eye on your ads to make sure they’re working.

Tips for Running Google Ads
  • Location Targeting: Focus your ads on specific areas around your facility. By targeting different distances, you can see what works best and adjust your strategy.
  • Use Ad Extensions: Add extra info to your ads, like your location, phone number, links to specific pages, and even customer reviews. This makes your ads more attractive and can lead to more clicks.
  • Negative Keywords: Exclude keywords that aren’t relevant to make sure your ads only show up for the right searches.
  • Conversion Tracking: Set up tracking to see what’s working. Whether it’s quote requests or bookings, tracking helps you understand your ROI and tweak your campaigns for better results.
  • Phone Tracking and Dynamic Phone Number Insertion: Track calls from your ads to see which campaigns are driving phone inquiries. Use dynamic phone numbers to get more detailed tracking.
  • Remarketing: Show ads to people who’ve visited your site before. It keeps your facility in their minds and can encourage them to come back and book.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

SEO is key for getting more organic traffic to your website. Research keywords that your potential customers are searching for and use them in your content, meta tags, and URLs. The higher you rank, the more people will find your facility.

SEO: Google Business Profile

Claiming and optimizing your Google My Business profile can boost your visibility in local searches. Make sure your profile has up-to-date info, photos of your facility, and customer reviews. This can really enhance your credibility.

Local SEO & Maps Optimization

Local SEO is all about making sure your facility shows up when people search for storage in your area. Use location-specific keywords, get listed in local directories, and optimize your Google Maps listing with accurate info and photos.

Get On Storage Specific Directories

Listing your facility on sites like SpareFoot, SelfStorage.com, and StorageFront can help you reach people specifically looking for storage. Being on these platforms makes it easier for potential customers to find and choose your facility.

Get Online Reviews

Encouraging customers to leave reviews can build trust and attract more customers. Respond to all reviews, whether good or bad, to show that you care about feedback and providing great service.

Tips On How To Get Positive Reviews
  • Give awesome customer service.
  • Ask for feedback and reviews.
  • Respond quickly to online reviews.
  • Offer incentives for reviews (a free lock worked great for us).
  • Make sure the rental process is smooth.
  • Show off positive testimonials.
  • Follow up with happy customers for permission to use their testimonials.

Facebook Ads

Facebook ads can be really effective. You can target specific locations, demographics, and interests. Create ads that highlight your best features and special offers to grab attention and drive bookings.

Use Remarketing

Remarketing ads target people who visited your site but didn’t book. Show them ads on other sites or social media to remind them about your facility and encourage them to come back.

Email Marketing

Email marketing helps you stay connected with your customers and leads. Segment your email list to send personalized content and offers. Share storage tips, exclusive promotions, and keep your audience engaged.

Other Useful Marketing Methods

Don’t forget about traditional marketing methods. Ads in local newspapers, flyers, brochures, and even radio spots can reach new customers who might not be searching online.

Get Involved In the Community

Being active in your local community can boost your business. Sponsor local events, schools, or charities to get your name out there. Offer referral incentives to your current customers to bring in new ones.

Offer RV and Boat Storage

The demand for RV and boat storage has grown. Adding this option can attract more customers. Make sure you have the right infrastructure, like wide access points and security measures. It’s a great way to expand your business.

Note: Before adding RV and boat storage, check the demand in your area and make sure it’s profitable. Look into what local RV and boat owners need and see if you can meet those needs better than the competition.


In today’s competitive self-storage industry, having a solid marketing strategy is crucial. By using these tips, you can attract new customers, increase occupancy rates, and build your brand. Whether it’s through digital marketing like SEO and social media ads, or traditional methods like community involvement and print advertising, every effort counts.

Keep an eye on your marketing performance, make data-driven adjustments, and stay proactive. The key is to be innovative and customer-focused. By doing this, you can set your self-storage business apart from the competition and ensure long-term success. Now, go out there and make your facility the go-to choice for storage solutions in your area!

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