September 29, 2023

Best Self Storage Software 2023

A self storage facility

Choosing the right self storage management software is a necessity for self storage companies and business owners who aim to streamline their operations, offer a seamless customer experience, and stay competitive in today’s fast-paced market. With the vast array of options available, it's crucial to identify the best software solution tailored to a facility’s unique needs.

In this article, we'll dive deep into the world of self-storage software, exploring the key features to look out for and discussing the benefits they bring to storage operators. By the end, you'll be equipped with the knowledge to make an informed decision for your facility and which software vendors will help you accomplish your daily tasks.

Key Features to Look for in Self Storage Facility Software

Navigating the multitude of self storage management software options can be overwhelming. But, focusing on crucial features can make the selection process more straightforward. Here's a breakdown of the most important features in self-storage facility management software:

Reservation System

What it is: An online platform that allows customers to make online reservations. The client should be able to check unit availability, sizes, and prices, then book a unit in real time with online payments.

Why it matters: This feature ensures that potential customers can complete an online booking and secure a unit anytime and from anywhere, increasing your facility's occupancy rate.

Automated Billing & Invoicing:

What it is: Automated billing systems allow you to generate bills, send reminders, and process payments for your storage tenants.

Why it matters: Efficient billing means reduced administrative overhead, fewer errors, and timely revenue collection. Plus, it provides convenience for your customers.

Access Control:

What it is: Cloud access control is a system integrated with security measures, granting or denying access to the facility based on customer status or scheduled timings.

Why it matters: Enhanced security ensures that only authorized individuals can access the premises, protecting both your assets and your clients' belongings.

Unit Tracking & Management:

What it is: A dashboard or interface showing real time data of all units – occupied, available, upcoming vacancies, etc. Ideally you will be able to manage multiple locations as well.

Why it matters: With a clear overview of unit statuses, you can easily manage pricing, promotions, and maintenance schedules all from a single platform.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM):

What it is: A system to store customer data, track interactions, manage communications, and handle inquiries or issues.

Why it matters: Building and maintaining strong relationships with customers can drive repeat business, referrals, and positive reviews.

Reporting & Analytics:

What it is: Tools that collate data into actionable detailed reports, offering insights on various metrics such as revenue, occupancy rates, customer demographics, move ins/move outs, etc.

Why it matters: Making data-driven decisions can steer your business toward growth and profitability.

Mobile Integration:

What it is: An app or mobile-responsive platform allowing facility managers and customers to access and manage units from smartphones or tablets.

Why it matters: In our increasingly mobile-centric world, on-the-go management and accessibility can significantly improve efficiency and customer satisfaction.

When considering your facility management software and options, think about your facility's current needs and potential future expansions. Not all features might be essential for every facility, but having a comprehensive solution ensures flexibility and scalability.

Benefits of Using Specialized Self Storage Management Software

As the self-storage industry becomes increasingly competitive, simply having storage units and a physical space to offer isn't enough. Utilizing specialized software tailored for this niche offers a distinct edge. Here's a closer look at the benefits:

Operational Efficiency

The Advantage: Automation significantly reduces manual tasks such as billing, booking, and customer interactions. Tasks that once took hours can be executed in mere minutes.

The Impact: Faster operations mean reduced overhead costs, fewer human errors, and more time to focus on strategic growth initiatives.

Better Access Control for Your Storage Facilities

The Advantage: Integrated access control, combined with security system linkages, provides a multi-layered security framework.

The Impact: A safer facility boosts customer trust, reduces risks of theft or breaches, and can even potentially lower insurance premiums.

Improved Customer Experience

The Advantage: From online bookings to automated payment reminders and easy-to-use mobile interfaces, modern software solutions prioritize the user experience.

The Impact: Happy customers are more likely to become long-term clients, leave positive reviews, and recommend your facility to others.

Data-driven Decision Making

The Advantage: Comprehensive analytics offer deep insights into various aspects of your own business operations, from peak booking times to revenue patterns.

The Impact: Informed decisions, based on real data, can lead to smarter pricing strategies, effective marketing campaigns, and more targeted service improvements.

Top Self Storage Management Software Options

The marketplace boasts a variety of self storage software tailored for self-storage operations and storage owners, each with its own strengths and unique features. Let’s explore some of the most popular options:


Overview: A widely-recognized name in the industry, SiteLink offers the storage companies a comprehensive suite of tools to manage and optimize self-storage operations.

Key features: Integrated payment, supports credit card processing,, CRM, online rentals, reporting, and website integration.

Pros: Sitelink users enjoy reliable performance, regular updates, extensive training resources.

Cons: Some Sitelink users may find the interface dated. Pricing can be a concern for smaller facilities.

Pricing: Varies based on the number of units and specific features needed.

Easy Storage Solutions

Overview: Known for its user-friendly interface, this software offers a range of features specifically tailored for small to medium-sized storage facilities.

Key features: Online rent collection, automated marketing, gate integration, and cloud-based access.

Pros: Intuitive design, competitive pricing, good customer support.

Cons: Limited advanced features compared to some competitors. Does not offer integration with other software providers and the web design is also very outdated. Many customers have also complained about customer service, as wait times on the phone can be long.

Pricing: Monthly subscription-based, tiered according to the number of units.

Hummingbird (Tenant Inc.)

Overview: A relatively newer entrant, Hummingbird emphasizes digital-first experiences and innovation.

Key features: Digital and lease management, signing with electronic signatures, interactive site map, AI-driven chatbots, and marketing analytics.

Pros: Modern, intuitive user interface, emphasis on enhancing tenant experience, scalability. Great customer service!.

Cons: May have a steeper learning curve for those used to traditional systems. Not the most mobile friendly for a storage manager with multiple locations.

Pricing: Custom pricing based on facility size and chosen modules.


Overview: A holistic solution aiming to provide everything that helps users manage a storage facility might need, from software to hardware.

Key features: Integrated payments, website development, facility surveillance integration, and marketing tools.

Pros: All-in-one solution, vast ecosystem, extensive third-party integrations.

Cons: Some users might find it overwhelming with too many features.

Pricing: Custom pricing based on specific requirements and modules chosen.

Things to Consider When Choosing Software

Deciding between self storage software vendors is more than just ticking off all the features above from a list. It's about ensuring that the software aligns with your business's goals, scales with its growth, and offers long-term value. Here are some critical factors to consider:


Does the software cater to your needs as your facility grows, both in terms of unit numbers and complexity? You want a solution that grows with you, ensuring you don't have to frequently switch platforms, causing disruption and incurring additional costs.


How intuitive is the software's interface? Is it easy to train staff, and can users navigate without constant reference to manuals? A steep learning curve can lead to errors, slower adoption rates, and resistance from staff, impacting the overall efficiency.


Does the software play well with other systems or tools you use, be it security systems, accounting software, or CRM tools? Seamless integrations reduce manual work, minimize errors due to data duplication, and ensure a unified system.

Customer Support

How responsive and helpful is the software provider when you face issues or have queries? Reliable customer support ensures minimal downtime, quicker resolution of challenges, and a smoother user experience.


Beyond just the initial cost, are there hidden fees? Is there a clear understanding of what's included in the package and what comes as an extra? Budgeting accurately and ensuring you're getting value for money is crucial for any business, especially for those with tight margins.


Can the software be tailored to fit your unique operational needs or branding? Every storage facility might have specific requirements or unique offerings. Customizable software ensures these nuances are catered to.

Security & Compliance

How does the software ensure data protection? Is it compliant with industry regulations and standards With increasing focus on data privacy and regulations, it's vital to ensure your software doesn't inadvertently put your business at risk.


Navigating the dynamic world of self-storage software can be a complex task, but it's undeniably an essential one. With the variety of robust options available, the challenge isn't about finding a tool, but rather selecting the one that best aligns with your self storage business goals.

Each self storage management software, from stalwarts like SiteLink to innovative newcomers like Hummingbird, offers distinct self storage solutions tailored to your needs. It's crucial to recognize that one size doesn't fit all. Your choice should resonate with your business's unique DNA—its goals, challenges, and vision for the future.

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